You can use our search feature to find any product. Also, you may browse by category to find your desire product.
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You can use our search feature to find any product. Also, you may browse by category to find your desire product.
It's easy! When you want to buy something from online, search the store name in Give Me Deals. Our search engine will return the deals for your desire store. Now, look out for coupon or sale and then click on the deal link. If the deal is Sale, discount will be automagically applied. And, if it's a coupon, just copy and paste while checkout. It's simple :-)
First, you need to be a member here. It's free, open your merchant account now. Second, you need to add your store and then you can share your store deals anytime. This way, you are creating your own store page for sharing your deals. By the way, we charge one time fee for adding store and deals.
We accept only PayPal. You may contact us if you can't pay by PayPal, we'll try to provide you alternate option.